I am immersed in my sector's business strategy at work, but I view this blog as a forum for me to explore issues facing other industries, as well as businesses in general. It also enables me to delve into the other two subjects that I am really passionate about, economics and international politics. I am fascinated with how the three subject areas interact -- namely how economic and political factors can affect the business climate, and how business and marketing strategies can be tailored to different countries.
I would like to thank Michael Stastny for inviting me to be a co-blogger at his excellent Economics blog,
Mahalanobis. I really caught the blogging bug over there, and that's why this blog is here now (I still post there periodically).
Most importantly, however, I'd like to thank my co-blogger, Reena Ganga. She convinced me that we should start this blog, and has put a great deal of energy into getting it up and running. Her posts are always insightful and a pleasure to read, and I'm proud to be co-blogging with her.